Combine MakeMKV with Handbrake or another similar application, and you can easily take a whole collection of movies and TV shows with you, or back them all up to access from around your house on a NAS or a media server.
The files that do come out of MakeMKV are big, but in all honesty, it's not that much hassle to then put it into another application to compress. I also did the same thing for my mother while she has been in hospital, which saved her from the horror that is daytime TV when she didn't have access to Netflix or Amazon Prime. I've been using MakeMKV for a while to back up my movies to my laptop so that when I want to lie in bed and watch a movie on my laptop, or bring my favourite movies with me when I'm travelling, I don't have to think about bringing an optical drive and all of the disks in a pouch.